
Archive for July, 2015

CIO Review Recognizes Everleap in 100 Most Promising Microsoft Solution Providers List

Takeshi EtoI’m happy to announce that Everleap was recognized in CIO Review’s annual, “100 Most Promising Microsoft Solution Providers” for 2015.

Top 100 Most Promising Microsoft Solution Provider 2015Having launched Everleap just last year, this recognition is validation of all of the hard work our entire team has put in to deliver a simplified cloud hosting solution that businesses can understand and budget for.

Everleap customer story – Q&A with Jason Mauss of GoldenSlam Fantasy Tennis

Michael PhillipsThe entire Q&A with Jason – and more customer stories – are available on our site.

GoldenSlam.com was founded by developer Jason Mauss. Jason started programming as a teenager in the 1990s and he is currently a Lead Software Engineer for a data center company. GoldenSlam.com gives tennis fans the opportunity to play a fantasy tennis game and follow players, scores and stats from the pro tour, while also being part of a community of individuals passionate about the sport.

Everleap: Thanks for taking the time to talk with us Jason. Tell us a little bit about your site and how it got started.

GoldenSlam-Jason-EverleapJason Mauss: I had the idea for the site kicking around my head for a long time. When you look at other popular sports like hockey, baseball, soccer, and football, they all have data easily available on tons of sites, with all kinds of ways fans can invest themselves in the sport. It used to be that you would just watch your favorite team once a week and that would be about it. Millions of fans can now watch ALL of the games played each week, create their own fantasy rosters and really just live and breathe their sport.

Real-world performance comparisons between Everleap and traditional hosts

Calvin WongWhat’s the difference between cloud hosting and traditional shared hosting? Ah, the eternal question! We provided an overview in a previous article, but now we are going to look into performance.

In a Code Project review, Microsoft MVP Kevin Griffin ran load tests on Everleap servers and reported impressive results. But he used a basic ASP.NET MVC test site, and we wondered how load tests on a more complex application would look. So we ran load tests against nopCommerce, an e-commerce storefront with a SQL database back end.

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