Archive for August, 2015

Everleap customer story – Q&A with Neil Baker of ezRider

Michael PhillipsThe entire Q&A with Neil – and more customer stories – are available on our site.

Avid cyclist Neil Baker started ezRider in 2012. Neil is a programmer who works professionally in the Electrical Engineering industry with experience in developing Windows desktop database applications. He paired his love of bike riding with his programming knowledge to a build a site that connects riders with others in their local area. Recently, Neil made some upgrades to his site, taking his site into the cloud with Everleap.

Everleap: Thanks for talking with us Neil. First off, let’s chat a little bit about your site and how it got started.

ezRider-Neil-EverleapNeil Baker: Melbourne Australia’s Beach Road is one of the busiest roads in the world for weekend warrior road bike riding. It is estimated that there are up to 30,000 riders on the road on a good weekend. Around five years ago, I became one of them. These riders consist of single riders as well as small, medium and large groups. In my group, around four to ten of us would ride regularly on Saturdays and Sundays. Organizing our group meant “are you going yes or no?” phone calls and mass SMS about the planned ride and where to meet. This worked well, but we never knew who was going to turn up – people were at times left alone at the meeting spot or we left without someone.

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