With the help of our privacy management solutions partner, Truste, I am happy to announce that Everleap has attained Privacy Shield certification.
The Privacy Shield framework replaces the former Safe Harbor framework that was struck down by an EU court in 2015. Starting in August 2016, the Department of Commerce started accepting certifications under the new Privacy Shield framework.
We believe our efforts are a differentiator and demonstrates our commitment to protecting your privacy. I hope you do too.
Job scheduling is a key feature in computing that we’ve grown to rely on for handling the execution of unattended background tasks. When we originally launched Everleap the technology at the time prevented us from allowing batch processing. The recent Windows Azure Pack update added a feature called WebJobs which allows a script or executable to run as a background task in your web application as part of your site.
There are some confusing aspects to domain name registration and maintenance, and unfortunately, some changes are about to be implemented that may well add to that confusion.
On December 1, 2016, new ICANN rules go into effect that create another step when you change the first name, last name, contact email or organization fields for your domain. Doing any of those things will now trigger the “trade process.” Which means those minor ownership information changes will now be treated the same way a domain transfer is treated.