Using WebJobs Job Scheduling

Joseph JunJob scheduling is a key feature in computing that we’ve grown to rely on for handling the execution of unattended background tasks. When we originally launched Everleap the technology at the time prevented us from allowing batch processing. The recent Windows Azure Pack update added a feature called WebJobs which allows a script or executable to run as a background task in your web application as part of your site.


We support the ability to run an executable/script as a WebJob in the following context:


In order to use WebJobs, you will need the following:

Supported File Types

We support the following file types:

File Locations

When a WebJob is created through the Everleap control panel, your executable/script along with any dependent files will be placed at:


When a WebJob executes, it is copied to: \TemporaryFolder\jobs\[JOB_TYPE]\[JOB_NAME]\UniqueRandomFolder and run from this location to prevent any file locks.


When a WebJob executes, the following conditions and logic apply:


Configuration Settings

Environment Settings

settings.job File

You can deploy a settings.job file with your binaries that will allow you to manipulate the settings of a WebJob.

Global settings




For continuous WebJobs, Console.Error and Console.Out are written to the application log and the first 100 lines of output will be written to the WebJob log that can be accessed through the Everleap control panel.
For triggered WebJobs, Console.Error and Console.Out are written to the log file for the specific task that was run.
NOTE: Console.Error is recorded as an ERROR and Console.Out is marked as INFO in the Windows Logs.

Further Information

The Always On setting
How to Create a WebJob
How to schedule a triggered WebJob
Troubleshooting WebJobs

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