Website Cloud Backup – Automate your site and database backups

Automated backupsTakeshi EtoToday I’m excited to announce a new Website Cloud Backup solution that will automatically backup your website, SQL databases, and MySQL databases off-site onto the Amazon cloud. The service comes with a web-based management portal to manage backup scheduling, versions and restoration.

It’s a solution for “Oops” recovery
We’ve all accidentally overwritten something or deleted an important file that broke a site or destroyed a site’s layout. Cloud Backup can save you hours of painstaking work.

Quickly recover from website hacks
Unfortunately, hackers are constantly exploiting application vulnerabilities and no matter how vigilant you are, it’s possible for hackers to gain access to websites where they could replace pages, or upload malicious code/files within your site. If this ever happens, Website Cloud Backup can help you quickly recover from such events, restoring your site with a previous clean version.

Automated MS SQL and MySQL database backups
This service will backup your SQL databases and MySQL databases automatically.

Blacklist monitoring
With this feature, we’ll monitor Google to detect if they ever flag your site (for having malware or being compromised). If we detect a Blacklist event, we’ll immediately alert you and stop the backups of your site and databases. This will prevent making backups of compromised files. You should be able to fine clean backups more easily and recover faster.

You can think of Website Cloud Backup as Peace-of-Mind-as-a-service. For more information, check out our website. You can add the Website Cloud Backup solution through Control Panel (under the Services menu).

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