
Deploying to Everleap Using Git

Michael OssouEarly last month, Michael Phillips wrote about our Git support. As you may know, you have a Git repository included for free with your Everleap account. So if you’re not using TFS for your site, I would urge you to at least use Git. If you’re not familiar with Git, take a look at this video to help you get started.

Git has gotten a lot of attention in the last couple years, especially from those who are fanatical about source control. Even so, there are many people who haven’t adopted it into their workflow. Maybe it’s because they prefer TFS to Git as I do, or maybe it’s because devs have enough stuff to study to have to worry about learning another source control system.

Either way, one thing is certain, using source control is without question a smart idea even if  you are just working on a personal project by yourself. To prove my point, I only need to remember what my Visual Studio\Projects folder looked like a couple years ago. It was riddled with folders that had weird project names like RavenTest2 or DemoApp – Backup.

To make matters worse I had some projects that I started on one computer and were copied to, and finished on another. Unfortunately, since I no longer remembered  what version was the most recent, or what version was the most stable, I had to open both projects and pour over them to find the right one.

There have also been times where I updated a project only to wish I had access to the original code later down the line. I also, found myself emailing code snippets to people for various reasons.

The whole thing was just a mess, so I started keeping everything in source control. No matter how small the project. It cleaned things up, I never had to deal with any of the issues I talked about above and when a project needed to have somebody else involved, I could just give them access to the project.

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