Good Bye 2020 – Hello 2021

Takeshi EtoWhen 2020 began, we were excited about the prospects the new year could bring. But those feelings were crushed with news of a mysterious rapidly spreading disease and finally hearing the that this was a full-blown pandemic.

Once the pandemic declaration was made, lockdown orders soon followed, and we quickly took action to have all our staff work remotely. Of course, we had our hiccups, but since we were already set up with the ability for our system admin staff to work remotely (prior to the pandemic), we were able to transition all our staff quickly.

We knew it was important for us to be able to maintain our hosting infrastructure and our customer support, as our customers would increasingly rely on their online presence to help get them through this new reality. We also thought that we may see many businesses, developers and entrepreneurs pivot their businesses or launch new lines of online ventures and new projects.

I’m extremely proud that our team has been able to deliver on our hosting promises even during a tough 2020.

Highlights from 2020

In the past, at the end of most years, I posted lists of things that we accomplished. In this post, I just want to highlight a few things we did in 2020.

Security Solutions

Due to increased reliance on online technologies during the pandemic and with many working from home and most using their own hardware, we thought it was important to focus on security.

Technology Enhancements

Onward to 2021

As we put 2020 behind us and begin a new decade, we continue to be hopeful and we will continue to strive to offer our customers solid hosting solutions that they can count on.

We want to thank all our customers for your business and we wish all of you a happy new year. Stay safe and healthy.

Visit to learn more about our cloud hosting solutions.

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