Posts Tagged With ‘Google&8217

Google Reverses Course on Third-Party Cookies: What It Means for Developers

John MeeksGoogle has changed its mind about removing third-party cookies from Chrome, as I discussed in a previous blog post. Instead, Google is going to add new privacy controls. This is a big change for web developers who use cookies for ads and personalization. Let’s see what it means.

The New Plan:

Google won’t remove third-party cookies. Instead, they’ll add new privacy controls to Chrome so that users can choose how their data is used, and change their minds anytime. This gives users more power over their privacy.

What About Privacy Sandbox?

Google will still work on the Privacy Sandbox. These are tools that help with privacy. Reports are that early tests look good, so developers should still learn about them as they might be important in the future.

What Does It Mean for Developers?

Google is focusing on user privacy and developers need to adapt. So developers need to keep learning, and always put users first. This will help you succeed no matter what changes come next.

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Google’s Mobile-First Deadline is Coming: Technical Implications for .NET Developers

John MeeksGoogle’s mobile-first indexing shift has been years in the making, but the endgame is here: after July 5, 2024, sites that fail to deliver on mobile devices will get cut from Google’s index. Here’s the technical lowdown to future-proof your .NET applications.

The key takeaway is that mobile accessibility has graduated from best practice to absolute necessity. If your site can’t render or load on mobile, it’s effectively offline as far as Google’s concerned. This isn’t about abandoning desktop-centric designs – as long as that desktop experience gracefully translates to mobile, you’re in the clear.

For most modern sites, this change is a non-event. But if you’re maintaining a legacy site that doesn’t load on mobile (try loading it in your phone’s browser!), it’s time for some technical triage. Your mission is to ensure mobile accessibility.

One important caveat: Google will continue deploying the Googlebot Desktop crawler for product listings and Google for Jobs. So if you develop e-commerce solutions or job boards, expect to still see Googlebot Desktop in your server logs and adjust your user agent detection accordingly.

Google has set a hard deadline: mobile accessibility is now mandatory for indexing. Ensure your sites deliver a usable mobile experience. With proactive technical preparation, you can safeguard your sites’ search engine visibility.

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Google’s Third-Party Cookie Crackdown: What Web Developers Need to Know

John MeeksGoogle’s current plan to phase out third-party cookies from Chrome is close at hand and will be rolling out soon. As a web developer, you might be wondering what this means for your projects, your clients, and the future of online user tracking. Let’s break down the key implications and how you can adapt.

The End of an Era

Third-party cookies have long been the backbone of targeted online advertising. These small pieces of code, dropped onto users’ browsers by websites – other than the one they’re currently visiting – allow advertiser networks to build fairly detailed profiles of individuals’ browsing habits and interests. Google’s decision to eliminate third-party cookies marks a huge shift in how the web approaches user privacy and tracking.

Why the Change?

With growing privacy awareness, Google is bowing to pressure to give users more control over their data. The move aligns with evolving regulations like GDPR and CCPA, which grant consumers greater rights over their personal information. By getting rid of third-party cookie support, Google is trying to position itself as a privacy-conscious leader, in order to earn user trust and catch up with competitors, like Safari and Firefox, which have already blocked third-party cookies by default.

Impact on Web Development

So, what does this mean for web developers?

The Road Ahead

Google’s third-party cookie phase-out is a wake-up call for web developers to prioritize privacy in their work. While the shift presents challenges, it’s also an opportunity to create a more transparent, user-friendly web experience. By staying ahead of these changes and adapting your strategies, you can turn the end of the third-party cookie era into a chance for growth and innovation.

Some Resources

Stay Tuned

As Google rolls out these changes over time, keep a close eye on the implications for web developers. Even for basic websites, this change will be something to keep an eye out for as you view changes in your web stats and/or advertising of your site.

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