Unleash the Power of Everleap Managed Hosting: Your Ultimate Hosting Solution for your .NET Development Business

Martin OrtegaAs a .NET Web Developer, your clients will need their applications hosted somewhere. Many developers and clients may choose to use a Public Cloud offered by the giant companies like Microsoft and Amazon. However, you may want to check out Everleap’s Managed Hosting solution too, as we offer many benefits that will help your .NET development business.

Choice Overload
One of the most confusing things a .NET Developer faces is the magnitude of different options available on Public Cloud hosting environments. You have so many options you don’t know where to start – it can truly be choice overload. How do you know that the setup you are configuring for your client is the correct and best setup for their requirements? In short, in the best of worlds, you really only want to worry about the .NET application and not have to worry about the server it’s on.

You may or may not be a security expert, but you are right to be concerned about how to secure the hosting system for your client. It would be so much easier if you had some knowledgeable expert available to help you, that you didn’t have to pay a lot for.

In addition, your client would love for you to monitor their application 24/7, but who has the time and resources for that? How would you even monitor the application? It would be great to be able to proactively let your client know of some issue and how you will resolve it, rather than having the client contact you when they notice something is wrong.

In this post, I will highlight the benefits of our Managed Hosting solutions that help the .NET Developer’s business, especially addressing the issues that I brought up above.

Benefit 1: Fully-Managed
With Public Cloud providers, you are on your own to figure out how to setup your client and you’ll also need to maintain the servers. You can hire a consultant or offload the Azure or AWS management to another company, but that will be an expensive proposition.

If you choose Managed Hosting at Everleap, you don’t need to worry about the hosting configuration for your client. Our team of engineers offers free consulting and will determine the best configuration for an existing site or the best starting configuration for a new site. Our goal is to right-size your client’s hosting environment so they are not under- or over-resourced.

On top of that, Everleap will also take on the server maintenance, so you don’t have to spend your time making sure Windows updates or security patches are up-to-date.

Benefit 2: Expert Support with Decades of Experience
Over the last 20 years, our team has gained a monumental amount of experience hosting .NET applications thanks to the several tens of thousands of customer sites that we’ve hosted. In addition, we launched ASP.NET hosting when ASP.NET was first introduced. There were no hosting automation systems or control panels built with .NET, so our team built our own hosting system and control panel using ASP.NET. So when we say we know .NET development, it’s not just lip service.

Benefit 3: Knowledge of Popular Open Source .NET Applications
Our customers often brought with them different popular open source web applications – .NET applications like

If you are using an open source .NET application, then chances are we’ve hosted it before. Using Everleap, you’ll gain access to Technical Support staff that have experience with hosting these applications so you don’t have to just rely on a forum at the application maker’s website for support.

Benefit 4: Proactive Support Based on Learnings from Trends
We already mentioned how you gain access to Technical Support staff that has dealt with hundreds, even thousands of websites running popular .NET applications. Another benefit is that our Technical Support team sees emerging trends of issues related to these applications. For example, DNN had a widespread hacking issue due to a vulnerability in the Telerik Component that was integrated into their build. When we saw multiple DNN sites getting affected, we immediately blogged about the Telerik exploit and contacted our DNN customers about it. This is the type of proactive communication that you can expect from us.

Benefit 5: Technical Support is Included at No Cost
With the Public Clouds, you can generally get free support through self-help knowledge base, videos and community forums. However, to get proper Technical Support, you will need to subscribe to a paid Support Plan. For example, here is a link to Microsoft Azure Support Plans and a link to the Amazon AWS Support Plans.

Benefit 6: System Admin-as-a-Service
Another differentiator is that our Managed Hosting service includes two-hours per month of System Admin or DBA services. You can use this time for consulting, tuning your SQL database, data migration/porting, or investigating some issue your application is experiencing.

Benefit 7: Scalable with Minimal Downtime
Our Managed Hosting service is easily expandable for your site’s needs as you grow. Let’s say you did a great ad campaign, and suddenly, you get an increase in traffic. With that came an increase in resource use. We can quickly provide your managed server with more memory or CPU on our Hyper-V Hyper-converged hosting system.

Benefit 8: Advanced Monitoring (optional)
Another differentiator is our Advanced Monitoring service which is a great optional service that you can subscribe to. Many of our Managed Hosting customers love this service. With Advance Monitoring, not only will we monitor the health of your servers, we will also monitor your applications and databases. Our team will proactively contact you with any issues that we see and help you find the origin of the issue. With this service, many customers get insight into issues that they would have never seen without the service. For example, we’ve seen a customer application with some unusual latency in their database at certain times of the day. Our advanced monitoring service was able to pinpoint the exact location on the site where the problem was occurring. After consulting with our DBA using their free 2 hours a month, the customer’s site was running like normal. Most people don’t understand how to maintain a database ant his is where our advanced monitoring and System-admin-as-a-service comes in handy.

Bonus Benefit 1: Flat Monthly Rate
This doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with your .NET development business, but I’m including it here because it is a big deal to many of our Managed Hosting customers. With the Public Clouds, they operate on a per-second/minute/hour pay-per-use pricing model which is great for a small subset of applications, but for many of the customers we work with, they don’t like not knowing what their bill is going to be at the end of the month. We’ve seen many tell stories of wildly differing month-to-month charges. So we simplify your life by charging a flat monthly predictable rate so you can budget for our services.

Bonus Benefit 2: Less Expensive then Public Clouds
And finally, another great bonus for customers is that the cost of Everleap’s Managed Hosting is usually less than the Public Clouds, making it a more cost-effective solution.

One of our customers, Showroom Software, discussed in their Customer Story that they saved more than $2000 per month after moving from a Public Cloud platform to Everleap Managed Hosting.

If you are using the Public Cloud, let’s talk and see if we can save you some money.

Here I described a bunch of benefits of using Everleap’s Managed Hosting solution over Public Clouds. We’ll basically become your IT arm. You’ll handle your web application for your client, we’ll make sure the hosting environment meets your client’s needs and our support team will proactively let you know of any issues that we see. And you can be the hero that informs your client about some issue that was found and resolved. Everyone wins.

Thanks for reading this post all the way to the end! For your diligence, we have a special limited-time promotion for anyone reading this post and ends up signing up for our Managed Hosting Solution.

Just mention this blog post or tell us you need the “ULTIMATE HOSTING SOLUTION” for your .NET application, and we’ll give you 50% off your hosting fees for the first two months!

Learn more about Everleap Managed Hosting services.

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