5 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade to a Managed Hosting Service

Martin OrtegaChoosing the right hosting solution is essential when running a website or web application. Traditional shared hosting can work well for small sites with low traffic, but as your site grows and as you add more functionality to your site, you may need to consider upgrading your hosting service.

Everleap’s Fully-Managed Hosting is a great option that offers improved performance, better security, and expert support, making it an ideal solution for mission-critical sites.

So, when is it time to make the switch to a Managed Hosting service? Here are five signs that it may be time to consider an upgrade:

  1. Your site is experiencing increased traffic. As your site traffic grows, the increased site activity could put a strain on the server and your site may experience performance issues or, even downtime. A Managed Hosting service can provide the increased capacity and performance needed to handle higher traffic levels.
  2. You’re concerned about security. Managed Hosting providers often offer enhanced security measures, such as regular security updates, firewalls, and intrusion detection and prevention systems. So, if you’re concerned about the security of your site, a Managed Hosting service can provide the added protection you need.
  3. Your site is experiencing performance issues. If your site is slow or frequently goes down, a Managed Hosting service can help. Managed Hosting providers often offer more powerful servers and better infrastructure to provide your site with optimal performance.
  4. You want to focus on your business and spend less time managing servers. Managing servers is time-consuming, especially if you’re not a technical expert. A Fully-Managed Hosting service can take care of the technical details of operating and managing the hosting infrastructure, so that you can focus on the important stuff – running your business.
  5. You’re not a technical expert and/or do not have internal technical staff resources. Fully-Managed hosting providers often offer expert support, so you can get help with everything from setting up your server to optimizing your site for performance. At Everleap, we provide our technical expertise at no additional cost.

In conclusion, if your site is experiencing increased traffic and/or performance issues, or if you have concerns over security, or if you’re not a technical expert and want to focus more on your business rather than managing servers, it may be time to consider a move to a Managed Hosting service. Managed Hosting can provide improved performance, better security, and expert support, making it an ideal solution for growing sites with complex requirements.

Everleap offers Fully-Managed Hosting services. If you’re considering upgrading to a Managed Hosting service, we invite you to join us for a virtual meeting to learn more. In this meeting, we’ll discuss the benefits of Managed Hosting. We’ll also provide information on how to make the switch to a Managed Hosting service and answer any other questions you may have.

To join the meeting, simply click the button below:

We look forward to seeing you there!

Visit Everleap to learn more about our Managed Hosting solutions.

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