Chrome to Start Warning and Blocking Insecure Downloads

John Meeks On Thursday (2/6/20) Joe DeBlasio from the Chrome Security Team at Google published a blog post outlining the next steps in their campaign to have webmasters move to securing sites and files using HTTPS.

Google ChromeIn this announcement, Chrome will gradually – over the next several major releases – issue warnings and then eventually block insecure downloads. Joe DeBlasio explained that insecurely downloaded files are a risk to a user’s security and privacy – for example, downloads may be swapped for malware or downloaded bank statements may be readable.  

Starting with Chrome 82, which is to be released in April 2020, Chrome will start warning users about specific file types and then outright block the files with the next release. You can see the staggered file type warning/blocking schedule below.  

Image: Google

For Android and iOS, these warnings are going to be delayed by one release. So for Android and iOS, warnings will start with Chrome 83.

If you have downloads on any of your sites, you can ensure your users don’t see any of these warnings by making sure all your downloads use HTTPS. If you don’t currently use HTTPS, you can purchase a SSL certificate via your Control Panel or transfer an existing SSL certificate to your site on Everleap. If you have any questions or issues with SSL, please reach out to our technical support team.

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