Chrome will mark all HTTP sites as “not secure” in July

John Meeks Google thinks your site is shady.

OK, not really, but that is how it will look come July, when all HTTP sites will be flagged as “not secure” in Chrome. In Google’s perspective, a site secured with SSL is a more trustworthy site. So with that in mind a regular HTTP site will be highlighted as “not secure“… for your protection.

Here is what the browser address bar is going to look like



It doesn’t matter if your site content doesn’t need to be secure or not. It just matters that you secure the site regardless of your content.

Now this idea isn’t anything new with Google. The “a secure site is a more trustworthy site” idea has been around for some time now.  Back in 2014, it was reported that Google was giving a ranking boost to sites using SSL. So this move within Chrome itself is just another step in that direction.

So what does this mean for you, the friendly neighborhood site owner? Well, you need to decide if you want Chrome to show you as a “secure” or “not secure” site when people visit using Chrome. Is this important for you? Chances are it is, especially with the Chrome marketshare being about 61% these days.

If you are interested in securing your site – know that your Everleap site will support SSL. You’ll need to supply an SSL certificate.  You can purchase an SSL certificate through the Everleap control panel – or – you can purchase an SSL cert from any outside SSL provider and use it for your site hosted at Everleap.

If you have any questions about SSL, securing websites …etc. Please submit a ticket to reach out to our Technical Support team.


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