Country Meats are here to wake up your taste buds (or set them on fire)

Michael PhillipsOur friend – and Everleap customer – Jeremy Geatches from Country Meats in Florida was kind enough to send us a box of their product.

Country Meats is family-run business that makes meat “snack sticks” that FFA, schools and other organizations use for fundraising. They’ve sold more than 63 million snack sticks, which is a lot of meat any way you slice it.


The box arrived today and we wasted no time opening it. Jeremy had told us in advance that he would be sending “a box,” but we didn’t expect an entire case! Well, there are a lot of carnivores here in the office, so I imagine they won’t last long in the kitchen.


Of immediate interest – to some of us, anyway – was the Ghost Fire stick. Seasoned with habenero (100,000 – 350,000 on the Scoville heat unit scale) and Bhut Jolokia pepper – a.k.a. “Ghost Pepper.”

Now, if you’re not familiar with the Ghost Pepper, you should know that it’s ever so slightly hotter than a habenero, clocking in at a ridiculous 855,000 – 2,199,999 on the Scoville scale, so you have to be a dedicated hot food lover to appreciate it.


The heat of the Ghost Pepper sneaks up on you, so after the first bite you may be thinking, “Ah, Ghost Peppers aren’t so tough!”

But just wait a minute.

Then say hello to one of the hottest things you’ve ever eaten.

We’d like to thank Jeremy and the rest of the Geatches family. Thanks for the Country Meats snacks, and thanks for being Everleap customers. We appreciate both!

2 Responses
  • Jeremy Geatches Reply

    Everleap has been very good for us. We enjoy sharing and We are happy you like our snacks!

    • Michael Phillips Reply

      Thanks Jeremy!

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