Email Cloud Backup Solution

Takeshi EtoToday we announce the launch of our Email Cloud Backup solution. Email is one of the most primary methods we all use to communicate and it is vital for our business and personal lives. With all the institutional and personal memories stored deep within our email boxes, we still rarely think about backing up email. And I’m sure we’ve all had situations of panic or frustration when we can’t find that important message, document or picture that was emailed to us.

Enter Email Cloud Backup – Email Cloud Backup is a cost effective solution for backing up your email boxes. Starting at $1 per month, we also offer 30 day FREE Trial.

email cloud backup

Email Cloud Backup Features

Backup Any Email Box
The Email Cloud Backup solution can backup multiple email boxes from virtually anywhere. This service can backup your email hosted on Everleap mail servers as well as email hosted at any other hosting provider and email from Office 365 or Gmail.

Automated and Secure
Once setup, the service will automatically backup your email and attachments. All content is transferred securely with industry standard security. And your email archive is encrypted at rest.

Search, Restore and Download Tools
You have access to a separate control panel that includes tools to search through your email archive and tools to restore your email.

Why should I backup my email?

You may be asking yourself, why would you need to backup your email. Consider the following:

Email hacking
Abut 540 million email accounts are getting hacked each year and the majority of hacked email account owners are unaware. Getting hacked can lead to emails being maliciously deleted, the email account can be frozen, or the email account can be closed down.

Accidental deletion
One major reason emails are lost is due to human error – that is, accidental deletion. I’m guilty of deleting emails especially when trying to organize and clean up my inbox/folders.

Local computer issues
Hard drive failures and ransomware on your local computer or laptop can result in loss of emails stored those devices.

30 Day Free Trial
We offer a 30 day FREE Trial of Email Cloud Backup so you can test it out yourself and see if it works for you. You can sign up for the Email Cloud Backup solution from inside your Everleap Control Panel.

If you have any questions about Email Cloud Backup, let us know.

Click here for more information about Email Cloud Backup from Everleap

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