Everleap customer story – Q&A with XIGLA Software

Michael PhillipsXigla-logo-EverleapXIGLA Software is based in Medellín, Colombia, and makes function-specific apps written in .NET and Classic ASP to add functionality to websites. Their products include a newsletter manager, banner manager and calendar and many other .NET software solutions.

After several years on a shared hosting plan with our sister company DiscountASP.NET, XIGLA recently decided to move to our cloud based hosting platform Everleap. To learn more about what prompted the shift, we talked with XIGLA CEO and Production Engineer Juan David Arbeláez.

What made you choose DiscountASP.NET initially for your web hosting needs?

When looking for hosting for our web site, we had to deal with a simple (yet complex) dilemma – either pay a lot to get great technical support or don’t pay much but don’t ask for much. We tried both routes. At first we went with a cheap hosting company and soon we were facing all kinds of troubles: the site going down, security issues, you name it. Then we went to the other extreme and hosted with one of the most expensive shared hosting companies around. Yup, great support, but was it ever expensive!

Then we found DiscountASP.NET. With their focus on Classic ASP developers and a great price, we thought, let’s give them a shot! And so, here we are 7 years later and we haven’t considered any other host since then. It has just been perfect!

These people know what they are doing and that’s something that is really appreciated in the software development business. We went there to host our classic ASP solutions and then when ASP.NET took over, DiscountASP.NET was ahead of the game.

What prompted the shift over to cloud hosting and Everleap?

If there is one thing that one can be sure of in the software development business, it is constant change. Technology is always evolving. When customers started to demand cloud based services, we thought “Oh… not again. Will we have to look out for another provider?”

You were once again one step ahead and Everleap was exactly what we were looking for. The ease of use of your platform and technical support, a single easy to use plan that will fit everything, a great price, and scalable cloud hosting! A no brainer!

Did you consider or try any other cloud hosting provider?

Yes, we did look around, but the common factor was: pay a lot, and deal with overwhelming technical stuff. Way too much. All we wanted was something simple that we could use out of the box.

Costs and internal resources are our top priorities. We know that we are getting much more than what we are paying for and that’s a deal that no one will ever refuse. Plus your control panel has to be one of the most intuitive yet powerful I have seen around. It lets us focus on what we do – develop software and run our business, instead of maintaining a website online.

How has the customer service experience been with Everleap?

Awesome! Answers are a click away. Send an e-mail with a request and within minutes you will get a reply or even get escalated to a higher level of support if your requirement requires a more detailed look.

The entire Q&A with Juan, as well as those of other business owners and developers, are available to read and download on our site.

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