Hi, we’re Everleap

Michael PhillipsEverleap is true cloud website hosting, built especially for those of you who like the features of the big cloud services like Azure or Amazon, but don’t need – or want to deal with – their complexity and cost. Take a look at how Everleap works.

It was created by the same people who brought you DiscountASP.NET, which has a decade long history of award-winning, best-in-class ASP.NET hosting. Our specialty is serving the ASP.NET development world, but these days we serve developers of all different stripes.

As part of that ongoing service to the development community, we’ve spent the past year building Everleap.

everleap_sharedCloudServerYou may be laboring under the assumption that there’s nothing new about cloud hosting, but I’m here to tell you that there is something new about true cloud hosting. Think about it, most cloud hosting that you see is sort of a hybrid not-really-cloud-at-all kind of thing that isn’t very far removed from traditional shared hosting. They call it “cloud,” but by their definition we could probably call DiscountASP.NET “cloud,” and as you know, it really isn’t.

If you have used one of those big cloud services, you know that virtually everything that you might consider necessary to run your web site is offered as a separate service, metered and billed separately. And forget about support. If personalized support is available, it likely comes at a hefty additional cost.

With Everleap we set out to provide all the technical benefits of the big cloud providers along with the all-inclusive bundled services of traditional web hosting. So every Everleap site includes things like SQL, MySQL, SQL Reporting Services, SSL support, email and DNS service, and our excellent Technical Support that you know and love from DiscountASP.NET is included. Things you will most definitely pay extra for at the big cloud providers.


When I say Everleap is something new, it really is new. It’s the first hosting service built on Microsoft’s Windows Azure Pack. In the coming months you’re going to see other hosts coming out with Azure Pack offerings, but those will be generic, out-of-the-box plans. It isn’t possible for them to do what we’re doing at Everleap because they don’t have the experience that we do.

We have been up to our elbows in the technology underlying Azure Pack (Antares) for almost two years. We have built a world-class infrastructure to support the load balancing and flexibility available with Azure Pack, but not only that, we’ve also built our own Control Panel that allows us to quickly make adjustments and add features, something those generic guys aren’t going to ever be able to do.

Everleap is a premium service, something many of you have been asking us us to build for a long time. Well, here it is. And if I do say so myself, it’s really cool.

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