Installing a New Language Pack in nopCommerce

The Internet has become the central place where consumers look for products, services or information.  In order to get a competitive advantage, offering a multilingual website/store presents itself as a high-impact way to expand the client base for many businesses because a good number of Internet users around the world are not just English speakers.

nopcommerce hostingCreating a multilingual online store with nopCommerce is relatively easy because it offers a user-friendly feature that allows store owners to install new language packs from the administration area. Here, I’ll show you how.

To add a new language pack, login to your nopCommerce store site as an administrator.

Go to: Administration -> Dashboard


Navigate to: Configuration -> Languages



You can download new language packs from Official nopCommerce Marketplace.


When you download a language pack, you will get a XML file (if you have a zip file, unzip it).



Unique SEO code – This means a two letter language SEO code that will be used to generate URLs like when you have more than one published language.

Note: “SEO friendly URLs with multiple languages” option should be enabled in Configuration -> Settings -> General Settings -> Localization settings tab.

Right-to-Left – This is needed for languages like Arabic, Hebrew, etc.

Note: The Default Clean theme supports RTL (have an appropriate CSS style file). This option affects only the public store.



I hope this helps you localize your store and expand your customer base.


Visit Everleap to learn more about our nopCommerce hosting solutions


About Guest Blogger: Lavish Kumar

Based out of New York, USA, Lavish Kumar is a full stack web developer by profession and founder of Striving Programmers, a resource of nopCommerce tutorials and a trusted community for developers that offers a wealth of articles and forums to assist individuals with improving their software development skills. He’s been a nopCommerce MVP for the past 8 years, winner of nopCommerce award and is passionate about nopCommerce, writing tech articles and building great web applications. Lavish is an active open-source contributor, author of the official nopCommerce designer’s guide and is often found on the nopCommerce forum assisting users to resolve problems. Lavish specializes in custom web applications, e-Commerce platforms, CMS implementation and CRM systems. Lavish’s technical experience also includes development of custom nopCommerce themes and plugins for a wide variety of users and his dedication to nopCommerce is evident in all of his projects.


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