Installing nopCommerce 4.10 on Everleap

Martin Ortega In this tutorial we’re going to be installing nopCommerce 4.10 in your Everleap hosting account using the self-contained no-source package.


nopcommerce hosting


Download the source package directly from nopCommerce’s GitHub site onto your local computer.

1. Extract the contents of the source package in a directory where you can access the files on your local computer.

In the next step we’ll be modifying one of the files in the root of the extracted nopCommerce site files.

2. Locate the file called: Nop.Web.runtimeconfig.json and open it in a text editor like Notepad.

3. Locate the following line of code:

"System.GC.Server": true

and replace it with the following:

"System.GC.Server": false

Save your changes.

4. Upload the contents of the extracted nopCommerce site files into the root of your hosting account via FTP. Instructions on how to connect to your site via FTP

Once connected via FTP, the Root directory of your Everleap hosting site is located in /site/wwwroot

5. Once the files have been uploaded. Navigate to the site using a web browser.

6. Create the SQL database by following these instructions on creating a MS SQL database.

7. Enter in your SQL database settings and username and password into the nopCommerce installation wizard and start the install.

Please note we recommend being on a Single site plan with a Medium Reserved Server if you plan to use nopCommerce for your site account.


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2 Responses
  • mitdacit Reply

    Thanks for your guide.
    I follow the guide and get the error:
    HTTP Error 502.5 – Process Failure

    Common causes of this issue:
    The application process failed to start
    The application process started but then stopped
    The application process started but failed to listen on the configured port

    Troubleshooting steps:
    Check the system event log for error messages
    Enable logging the application process’ stdout messages
    Attach a debugger to the application process and inspect

    Would you please give me advice or hint to get it resolved?

    Thank you in advance.

    • Martin Ortega Reply

      Please make sure you download the nopCommerce site from the link I provide on our blog post. If you’re still having an issue please open a support ticket via our support portal.

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