Introducing Office 365 Cloud Backup

Takeshi EtoToday we announce the launch of an Office 365 Cloud Backup solution. Many of you subscribe to Microsoft’s Office 365 service for your business or for a personal account. The new Office 365 Cloud Backup service is a comprehensive solution that backs up Exchange email along with attachments, your contacts, calendar and tasks, and also SharePoint, OneDrive, Groups and Teams.

The Office 365 Cloud Backup solution is cost effective starting at $3.34 per month and we are offering a 30 Day FREE Trial.

Office 365 Cloud Backup Features

Automated and Comprehensive Backup Solution
The Office 365 Cloud Backup service will automatically backup your Office 365 email including attachments. It will also backup your associated contacts, calendars and tasks. The service will backup SharePoint and your OneDrive repository. And it will back up Groups and Teams.

Secure Backups
The Office 365 Cloud Backup solution is secure. All content is transferred securely using industry standard security. In addition, all content is encrypted at rest.

Search and Retrieval Tools
You will have access to a separate control panel that lives outside of Everleap infrastructure with tools to search through your Office 365 Backup archive. Tools are also available to retrieve your content.

Unlimited Storage and Retention
The Office 365 Cloud Backup solution includes unlimited storage and unlimited retention so you do not have to worry about storage or how long content is stored.

Enhanced Email Archiving
Some businesses (e.g., legal, financial and health related industries) have compliance and regulation requirements which include secure backups of all email communication. The Enhanced Email Archiving service included in our higher tier Office 365 Cloud Backup plan securely backs up and archives email and ensures that the archive is searchable, discoverable, and accessible should the business be subject to a legal motion or third-party audit.

Why should I backup Office 365?

Microsoft is not responsible for backing up your content
You may think that because Microsoft hosts Office 365 on their Azure cloud platform, your content is already backed up. This is not the case. Microsoft is responsible for making sure their Office 365 platform is up and running but they are not responsible for backing up your content.

Accidental deletion
One major reason content is lost is due to human error or accidental deletion. And if you think you can rely on the trash folder to search for deleted content, note that Microsoft does not keep deleted content archived forever.

Microsoft recommends using third party backup services
If your Office 365 subscription closes for any reason, Microsoft will not be able to retrieve your content. Microsoft states that the subscriber should have a regular backup plan. In their user agreement, Microsoft recommends using third party backup services.

30 Day Free Trial
We offer a 30 day FREE Trial of Office 365 Cloud Backup so you can test it out and see if it works for you or your business. You can sign up for the Office 365 Cloud Backup solution from your Everleap Control Panel.

If you have any questions about Email Cloud Backup, let us know.

Click here for more information about Office 365 Cloud Backup from Everleap

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