Introducing Private MongoDB hosting

Takeshi EtoI’m excited to announce the launch of Private MongoDB hosting at Everleap.

This new premium NoSQL solution will provide you with your own private MongoDB server. Your MongoDB databases will get access to all of the disk space, CPU and RAM on the virtual machine. And like our other hosting services, it is fully managed. We will handle all the server updates and security at no additional cost, freeing you to devote your time and resources to your website and applications rather than server maintenance.

Since each Private MongoDB server is dedicated to a single customer, we can support some server customization. Please reach out and we can discuss your needs.

We’re offering two Private MongoDB plans: one with 2 CPU Cores and 2 GB RAM, and one with 4 CPU Cores and 4 GB RAM. The disk space storage for both plans starts at 200 GB. But please note that you can choose any amount of RAM you need and the disk space storage can be expanded as well.

For more information, check out our website. If you’re already an Everleap customer, you can order Private MongoDB service in Control Panel.

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