Introducing SpamExperts Email Inbox Filtering and Inbox Archiving

Takeshi EtoToday we announce two new services that we are introducing in partnership with SpamExperts, who offer premium email security solutions.

SpamExperts - Spam Filtering and Email ArchivingInbox Filtering
This is a premium spam filtering solution that will not only keep your inbox virtually free of spam, viruses and phishing, but also includes a powerful management portal, where you can easily setup whitelists and blacklists and review your email logs. You can also get daily quarantine summary report.

Inbox Archiving
This service will store a backup of all your clean incoming email that has been routed through the SpamExperts email filter system. Your email archive is compressed and encrypted and stored off-site on redundant cloud servers. You can easily search your archive and retrieve emails with web-based viewing or re-delivery.

Everleap customers can order SpamExperts services through Control Panel, but you can use the SpamExperts service on any domain, even those that are not hosted with Everleap.

For more information, check out our website.

2 Responses
  • Eaton Reply

    Is there still plans for the SmarterMail Exchange ActiveSync add-on?

  • Takeshi Eto Reply

    Yes, we are striving for parity with features/services at DiscountASP.NET. I don’t have a time frame for ActiveSync at this time though.

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