Maiden Everleap Sponsorship

Calvin WongThe SoCal Code Camp San Diego happens on the last weekend of this month, June 28th and 29th. We have sponsored all the SoCal Code Camps going back many, many years. They’re local events to us, organized by local user groups and attended by local developers, so we’re always happy to offer our support.

SoCal-BannerWe previously sponsored these events as DiscountASP.NET. This year, for the very first time, we’ll be sponsoring under the new Everleap banner. And we’re very excited to introduce our new cloud service at the event!

This will be a first for me, too! This is the first code camp I’m attending. To ensure I survive to make it back, Everleap decided to send me with developer and code camp vet, Michael Ossou.

Michael will also present a session at the code camp on JQuery and SignalR.

He’s traveled many miles to present this session to many of the local user groups – 491 miles to be exact. Here’s a condensed version:

But, if you missed those sessions and you’re attending the SoCal Code Camp, I encourage you to attend his session. Michael is an engaging and entertaining presenter, showing off a really cool application.

And if you have questions about cloud hosting, or a nagging curiosity about the people behind your hosting service, swing by our table!

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