.NET 5 (ASP.NET Core 5) Hosting

Takeshi EtoToday we announce that .NET 5 or ASP.NET Core 5 is installed on the Everleap system for Framework-dependent Deployment (FDD). (Note that .NET 5 or any other .NET Core version can always be used on the Everleap platform at any time with Self-Contained Deployment (SCD) – even if the version is not installed on the server.) It did take a little while to get .NET 5 available for FDD on our entire system since we’ve been going through a round of hardware upgrades. I’m happy to say that we’ve finished this round of upgrades and so now .NET 5 is available on all servers.

As you can see, I didn’t refer to .NET 5 as “.NET Core 5”. With .NET 5, Microsoft is dropping the “Core” naming convention and skipping .NET Core 4.x entirely, but retaining the “ASP.NET Core 5” name. This move is Microsoft’s effort to unify .NET and an attempt to “avoid confusion”. We’ve seen this kind of thing before – like when Microsoft first introduced .NET Core. Regardless of the intention to “avoid confusing”, such moves are always confusing and will probably take another version or two for things to iron out.

In any case, you are welcome to learn and experiment, and update and deploy your .NET 5 applications.

Visit Everleap to learn more about our .NET Core cloud hosting solutions.

2 Responses
  • David Vorgang Reply

    I’m trying to deploy a Blazor Server side application but so far I have failed.

    Is there detail instructions on how to do this?


  • Takeshi Eto Reply

    You can post your question in our forum or send in a ticket to our Support team with info on any errors you are encountering.

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