Upgrading nopCommerce 3.80 to 4.10

Ray Huang Although nopCommerce offers general upgrade instructions here, this is a step-by-step tutorial of how to upgrade your nopCommerce site from version 3.80 to 4.10 on Everleap.

nopcommerce hosting

First, you should make a backup copy of your site so that you can roll back in case anything goes wrong during the upgrade process.  Start by backing up your database:





Before you can begin the upgrade progress, you will need to download the upgrade scripts and the 4.10 release from GitHub.  Download these files:


Extract the files using a utility like 7-Zip.  Now, open your database using SQL Server Management Studio.  Open each script in a T-SQL window and execute them in order (i.e., 3.90 first, then 4.00, then 4.10).

Then, reconnect to your site using FTP, delete all the files in the /site/wwwroot folder, and upload the new 4.10 files.  Copy back the files /App_Data/Settings.txt and /App_Data/InstalledPlugins.txt from your backup copy because they contain settings to connect to your Everleap database, overwriting the files on the server.  If you stored your images in the file system instead of the database, make sure you copy back the files in /Content/Images from your backup copy as well.

Launch your site using a web browser, make sure everything is OK, and voilà, you’re done!


Visit Everleap to learn more about our nopCommerce hosting solutions


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