World Backup Day – How to Backup your Website

World Backup Day is coming up on March 31st.  On the official World Backup Day website some stats are listed. 

We know and you know that your website is very important. So we encourage all our customers to a take a little time to backup your website before March 31st

How do I backup my website at Everleap?

Website Files
We support FTP, so you can use any FTP client to pull down your website files onto your own computer. Here are some Knowledge Base articles on how to configure some FTP clients.

But note that you may already have the latest website files, if you are managing your site on your local computer and uploading the modified files to the production server.

Microsoft SQL Server
If you are using a MS SQL database, then you can log into your Everleap Control Panel and follow these steps.

1. Depending on whether you are using Shared or Private SQL, from the main menu, select:
Databases | Shared MS SQL – OR – Databases | Private MS SQL

2. Click on the Manage link next to the the database you want to backup

3. Click on the Backup link (orange)

4. Select the site you want to store your backup in and click on the Create New Backup button

The above steps will backup the SQL database in the “DatabaseBackup” folder of the site you selected. You can then FTP the SQL backup to your local computer. If you have multiple SQL databases, you’ll need to go through these steps for each one.

MySQL Database
For MySQL databases, you can download MySQL WorkBench from Oracle and then follow the instructions in our Knowledge Base article to make a MySQL database backup. 

What’s the best way to store my backups? 
Now that you have a backup copy of your website files and your databases on your local computer you can stop there or you may consider extra safety measures by making a copy or moving the backup to an external device such as a portable external hard drive or USB drive, which are cost effective storage devices.  In doing so, you further safeguard your data in a couple of ways: 

1) You can store the external hard drive or USB drive somplace safe. (e.g, fireproof safe, bank safe deposit box) 
2) You keep the data detached from the Internet which means there’s no way hackers can access the data and ensures that you have a working and clean copy of your website in a point in time. 

If you need your backups to be more readily available, you can consider storing your backups in the cloud using services like Dropbox or OneDrive.  This won’t offer the protections above, but it will allow you to restore your site more quickly in case something happens to your production site.

Can I automate my website backups? 
If you find the manual process of backing up your website above too cumbersome or you want more than just a point in time copy for one day, then we do offer a service called Website Cloud Backup which will automatically backup both your site and databases on a daily basis. 

Starting at $2.75/month, with Website Cloud Backup you can have automated and secure daily backups of your website and databases and get some peace of mind. 

So I hope everyone gets motivated to backup their sites. We’re here to answer any of your questions. Happy World Backup Day!

Visit Everleap to learn more about CloudBackup

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