Everleap Managed Hosting Customer Story – Gatsby

This is an excerpt, the entire story with Danny Esparra, as well as more customer stories, are available on our site.

Takeshi EtoGATSBY, an online store for women’s apparel and clothing, was growing rapidly as more and more customers embraced online shopping. The online store and accompanying applications serve shoppers looking for hot new looks and closet staples.

With so much growth and so many shoppers visiting the site, the GATSBY online experience started to show signs of fragility. Their site experienced persistent downtime and speed issues, leading to a frustrating user experience. This problem wasn’t fleeting; it persisted for over a year, which significantly hindered the company’s growth and led to noticeable revenue losses. Despite several attempts to rectify these performance issues through their local hosting solutions, GATSBY found these efforts to be insufficient, leaving them in search of a more robust and reliable solution.

As the company confronted these growth challenges, ShopGatsby.com, IT Director Danny Esparra knew that a reliable and long-term solution was overdue.

GATSBY’s pivotal moment came when they discovered Everleap. Upon reviewing Everleap’s offerings, especially its Managed Hosting Service, GATSBY recognized a potential solution to their ongoing challenges. After a quick collaboration, Everleap stepped in to apply their expertise. Within just a week, Everleap had implemented their Managed Hosting Service for GATSBY, targeting the specific issues of downtime and slow website performance.

Everleap’s approach was comprehensive, focusing not just on immediate fixes but also on how to ensure long-term stability and scalability. This quick and efficient response demonstrated Everleap’s ability to handle complex technical challenges with agility and precision.

The results of Everleap’s intervention were transformative. GATSBY saw a significant enhancement in website performance, with noticeable reductions in downtime. This improvement was not just a technical success; it resonated deeply with their customer base, leading to increased customer satisfaction and engagement. The direct impact on GATSBY’s financial health was evident, as the enhanced website performance directly correlated with a reversal in the trend of revenue loss.

Since making the move to Everleap, the ShopGatsby.com website has experienced minimal disruptions and performs better than ever. Customers are thrilled with the online experience and repeat shoppers are on the rise.

Here is the full story of Gatsby.

Learn more about Managed Hosting at Everleap

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