Everleap Microsoft Gold Partner status

Takeshi EtoWe talked about this over on the DiscountASP.NET blog, but it’s well worth mentioning here that we have successfully renewed our Microsoft Partner Gold Hosting Competency for 2014! This is our 9th year of maintaining our Microsoft Gold Partner status.

microsoft-gold-partner-300x84It is no small feat to attain or keep this status. Microsoft has raised the bar significantly to attain the Gold level status over the last few years.

To earn a Microsoft Gold Competency, organizations must employ more Microsoft Certified Professionals who must pass various up-to-date certification exams related to the competency, submit multiple customer references and demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction by participating in an annual survey and scoring well. There are Cloud marketing assessment tests to pass as well.

Achieving the Gold level status is an investment that we make every year because it truly shows our commitment to stay on top of Microsoft-related technologies, helps us maintain a strong relationship with Microsoft, and serves as a big differentiator among all the other hosts.

It is due to this strong relationship with Microsoft that we were able to be the first host to launch a production scalable cloud hosting solution for websites and web applications using Windows Azure Pack. Yes, Everleap! But you probably knew that. This is how it works, and this is why you need to bring your sites to Everleap right now.

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