Silicon Valley Code Camp 2014

Michael OssouThe mother of all code camps, the Silicon Valley Code Camp took place a couple of weeks ago. As always, the organizers did a fantastic job and this year’s event was even bigger than last years. From ASP.NET to SQL to Node to Hadoop, there was something for everybody. With over a hundred sessions available, five thousand developers took over the Foothill College campus for the weekend.


After we set up our booth on Saturday and prepared the give away items, I was ready to present on ASP.NET SignalR. Having been given the same time slot as Douglas Crockford, I was expecting no one to show up. Well I was wrong the classroom was packed with motivated and seasoned developers. It was a great session with a lot of interaction and a lot of fun.

When I returned to our booth, I found a line of people waiting to speak with Takeshi and Michael Phillips about Everleap. As usual, our booth evolved into a hangout location for developers to talk tech. This is the real reason we have been such strong advocates of supporting the developer community over the last decade. This is why things like code camps and user groups are such an integral part of the way we do business. There is simply no better vehicle to interact with customers. I enjoy sitting around the booth eating lunch with customers and talking dev stuff. Talking about their applications, listening to their pain points, and offering guidance.

Silicon Valley Code Camp 2014

Near the end of the day, I got a chance to leave the booth and attend a session by Microsoft’s Bruno Terkaly & Steven Eduard on The Internet of Things. This was an enjoyable talk about a Raspberry Pi powered Door Bell project they worked on that would snap a pic of the visitor and alert you via text message.

Sunday was a lot like Saturday. However, once we finished up, we had a chance to visit the Computer History Museum. It was interesting to visit. But I will leave the details to Michael Phillips and Takeshi to post about in another blog.

Michael Ossou at the computer museum

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