SSL enhancements, DNS management enhancements, php update, oh my…

Takeshi EtoWe just launched the latest sprint and we realized that we didn’t announce updates that were pushed out with the Windows Azure Pack update (though we did blog about how we did the WAP update). So here’s some of the enhancements that you’ll find now.

1. We’ve added the ability to bind different SSL certificates to your domain pointers and subdomains. Before this update you could only bind SSL certs for your primary domain. Now with this enhancement, you can bind SSL certs to your heart’s content. This applies to SNI SSL.

2. We’ve removed most restrictions from the DNS Manager to allow you more flexibility In managing your DNS. So now you can create multiple records with the same name, you can edit or delete the root domain A record, create CNAMEs with the root domain name, pretty much anything you might need.

3. We know that typing your file name into a text box is cumbersome, so we’ve added a quick browse feature for the database backup and restore tools so now you don’t have to remember obscure file names or deal with any typos.

4. We’ve added support for PHP 5.5. You’ll find this as a new item in the PHP version selector in the control panel.

5. We added a tool that allows you to switch your billing cycle.

More cool stuff is in the works. We’ll keep you posted.

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