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5 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade to a Managed Hosting Service

Martin OrtegaChoosing the right hosting solution is essential when running a website or web application. Traditional shared hosting can work well for small sites with low traffic, but as your site grows and as you add more functionality to your site, you may need to consider upgrading your hosting service.

Everleap’s Fully-Managed Hosting is a great option that offers improved performance, better security, and expert support, making it an ideal solution for mission-critical sites.

So, when is it time to make the switch to a Managed Hosting service? Here are five signs that it may be time to consider an upgrade:

Introducing Managed Hosting Services at Everleap

Martin OrtegaIn 2003, we started traditional Shared Hosting at DiscountASP.NET, and we learned a lot. We saw that there came a time when customers needed to upgrade their site to a server with more resources. So when we first designed Everleap, we thought of the different situations our customers would encounter in their hosting journey. People needed a modern web hosting service that could quickly grow with their sites and one with practically no downtime. So we designed our Everleap Shared Cloud Hosting solution with the ability to expand from our basic Shared cloud hosting service to our private Reserved Server instantly with little to no downtime.

But now, what happens to those customers who require something more than our Shared Cloud Hosting platform?

Introducing Everleap’s Managed Hosting Services

In a nutshell, Everleap’s Managed Hosting Solutions are our white glove, customized, private cloud hosting service for mission-critical sites. It was designed specifically for organizations that require near-zero downtime – websites that are so important that it would literally put a halt to their business if their site did go down. We understand the importance of the requirements of mission-critical websites and the need for a hosting provider that can fully support them and an easily expandable hosting system that can grow with their business. Our Managed Hosting Services support the needs of mission-critical sites.

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