Posts Tagged With ‘ssl&8217

Slight Disruption in Yammer Time

In current times, I’m sure everyone is maxed out with things to do and it is easy to overlook things. Here at Everleap we use Yammer for internal communication.

A little past 12pm (Pacific Standard) our staff encountered the following:

yammer SSL expired
Yammer’s SSL Expired

It appears that the Yammer SSL cert expired. We checked the Office Service Status page on saw this:

Yammer Status
Office Status Page Showing Yammer is Up

After about 10 minutes, the Microsoft team reacted and updated the status page.

Yammer having issues
About 10 minutes later

Checking back with Yammer – the service was back up for our staff!

We witnessed quick reaction from the Microsoft staff.

This type of thing can happen to the best of us. So use this as an example to make sure to keep track of when your SSL certs expire. It’s best to use a contact email address that you check regularly and put reminders early enough in your calendars so you have plenty of time to take care of any renewals.

Visit Everleap to learn more about our ASP.NET cloud hosting solutions.

Chrome will mark all HTTP sites as “not secure” in July

John Meeks Google thinks your site is shady.

OK, not really, but that is how it will look come July, when all HTTP sites will be flagged as “not secure” in Chrome. In Google’s perspective, a site secured with SSL is a more trustworthy site. So with that in mind a regular HTTP site will be highlighted as “not secure“… for your protection.

SNI vs Unique IP-Based SSL

Michael OssouThese days, the use of SSL has become much more common. Traditionally, it was mandatory to have your website setup with a unique IP in order to use an SSL certificate.

More recently, SNI based SSL has become available and it has caused some confusion. In this post, I’m going to discuss the topic and hopefully give you enough information so that you can choose whats the best option for you.

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