Top 10 Things We Accomplished in 2017

Takeshi EtoAnother year is in the books. Here is my annual Top 10 list of accomplishments for 2017.

  1. Expanded our Private Database offerings
    Back in 2016, we launched Private SQL hosting – a solution for customers to get their own private server with a SQL server installation that is not shared with any other customer.  This database solution is ideal for sites that have large databases, those who need hosting for many small databases, and those who need special customized configuration on their SQL server. In 2017, we expanded our Private Database service to include:

    1. Private MySQL hosting – Your own private server loaded with MySQL.
    2. Private MongoDB hosting – Your own private server loaded with MongoDB, a popular NoSQL solution.

    Private Database Special: we are currently offering 50% off the first month of any Private Database servers. If you are interested in getting your own database server for peak performance and customization, please contact us.

  2. SpamExperts - Spam Filtering and Email ArchivingLaunched premium spam filtering and email archiving
    We partnered with SpamExperts to offer premium email security solutions. Inbox Filtering is premium spam filtering that works better than free spam filter solutions. It includes a separate management portal where you can easily set up and manage whitelists, blacklists and email logs. Inbox Archiving stores a backup of all your clean incoming emails. You can easily search the archive and retrieve emails for web-based viewing or re-delivery.
  3. Added SQL Reporting Services 2016
    We launched SQL Reporting Services 2016 as another option for Reporting Services. SQL Reporting Services is included with our hosting plans.
  4. Launched  self-contained .NET Core support
    Microsoft revamped .NET from scratch and renamed “ASP.NET 5” .NET Core. With .NET Core, you are not dependent on the framework version that is available on the server. Rather, you can deploy the framework along with your app, so, in essence, you can publish your app anywhere you want. At Everleap, we support self-contained .NET Core 2 and .NET Core 1 deployment.
  5. HTTPS for Everleap web properties
    With Google’s intent to do what it can to increase security on the web, we worked on implementing HTTPS everywhere for all our Everleap web properties. It may seem like getting an SSL cert and just installing it and fixing some links would do the trick, but the entire process of getting all web properties to work behind HTTPS is not trivial. Adopting HTTPS for your web properties is going to be important moving forward, so we’d love to hear your stories about your HTTPS adventures. Let’s compare notes…
  6. Renewed our Microsoft Partner status
    Every year we devote resources to renewing our Microsoft Partnership status. In 2017, we renewed at the Microsoft Silver Partner tier with the Silver Datacenter competency.
  7. Attained Swiss-US Privacy Shield certification
    We previously attained the EU-US Privacy Shield Certification which included the legacy Swiss-US Safe Harbor language. With a new Swiss-US Privacy Shield update now worked out with the Department of Commerce, we worked on getting certified under the new Swiss-US Privacy Shield framework.
  8. Published some customer stories
    We published a couple of Customer Stories:
    Pam Nelligan of Statdash was looking for an affordable hosting solution for her task management progress tracker SaaS product.
    Pete Wlodkowski of needed to move his large, SQL-based directory of amateur golf tournaments from a dedicated server to the cloud.
  9. Continue to support the developer community
    As we’ve done for the past 15 years, we continue our support for the developer community through event sponsorship and complimentary hosting. Here are some of the sponsorships for 2017:  the AZGroups Scott Guthrie Event,  Code Camps (Florida, Iowa (twice), Orlando, New York City),  GiveCamps (Dallas, Southwest Ohio), Phoenix 2017 Hackathon-of-Help. We also offer members of the new Microsoft MVP Reconnect program free cloud hosting services. If you run a Usergroup or organize a developer event, please feel free to reach out to us to see how we may be able to work together.
  10. Moved our physical office
    Another thing that happened in 2017 is we moved our physical office to a new location in Monrovia, California. Moving is always disruptive, and we are still in the middle of construction and building out our office space. We hope to get settled in over the next several months.
  11. We offer custom Private Cloud solutions
    I’m adding one more item to 2017’s list – because it’s my list 🙂 We’ve talked to some customers whose needs went beyond website and web application hosting. Other customer’s needs have gone beyond the constraints of our Everleap “shared” cloud hosting platform, while there were even some others who outgrew our Everleap cloud. If you’re in one of these situations, reach out to us, because we are now offering custom Managed Private Cloud solutions separate from the Everleap cloud platform. We have decades of experience designing and operating hosting infrastructure so we can put our IT experience to work for your business and configure/manage a customized Private Cloud environment.

    We offer a full service IT-as-a-service solution, whether your needs are IaaS/PaaS/Hybrid cloud, disaster recovery/business continuity solutions, application hosting, devops environments, Windows/Linux environments, database servers (including Microsoft SQL server, MySQL and Oracle), application streaming, cloud/virtual desktops…etc. We are already providing Private Cloud solutions for many legal and financial organizations/businesses, application development shops, and even other hosting providers. So if your business wants to get out of managing an aging infrastructure on-premises, if you are unhappy with your current data center, or if your organization has infrastructure located in multiple data centers and you wish to consolidate – we can help.

Now onward to 2018!

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