Hosting nopCommerce on Everleap. What are your options?

Martin OrtegaBefore I get to the main point of this article, I acknowledge that even though Everleap is the perfect hosting environment for your nopCommerce site, it can be a little confusing for many people.

In this article, I’ll try to cut to the chase and explain why Everleap is the best environment for nopCommerce. And hint: It’s primarily because it is easy to instantly upgrade your site within our environment with pretty much no downtime. Here, let me explain…

Everleap Managed Hosting Customer Story – Showroom Software

Takeshi EtoThis is an excerpt, the entire story with Mark Remaly, as well as more customer stories, are available on our site.

In the Fall of 2022, the team at Showroom Software had finally had enough. After migrating to a public cloud platform, the IT and engineering professionals tasked with keeping the Showroom platform running for furniture stores and designers were at their breaking point. The problem? For all the performance and scalability of the public cloud infrastructure, their support and service were sorely lacking.

Showroom Software LogoShowroom Software was established in 2001, providing e-commerce and digital marketing solutions to furniture stores and designers alike. With the help of their software, businesses could manage customer orders, create custom catalogs, build websites, handle payment processing, generate leads, and more.

On the public cloud system, the team had difficulty troubleshooting problems quickly or getting real-time advice on how to optimize their architecture for maximum performance. This not only caused delays in their operations but also resulted in lost revenue due to downtime and other hiccups that could have been avoided with better guidance from the public cloud provider.

Mark Remaly Showroom SoftwareRealizing they needed a better hosting solution to ensure their customers’ success and that of Showroom Software’s own platform, they reached out to Everleap. Immediately impressed by Everleap’s commitment to 24/7/365 customer service, Showroom Software saw an opportunity to alleviate some of the pain points associated with cloud hosting.

With Everleap’s help, Showroom Software was able to make an effortless migration into the cloud while taking advantage of Everleap’s cloud hosting expertise as well as its proactive advanced monitoring capabilities. Now they have access to quality customer support whenever they need it — helping them nip issues in the bud before any significant downtime occurs — as well as knowledgeable engineers who can advise on best practices for designing high-performance applications at scale.

Here is the story of Showroom Software.

Learn more about Managed Hosting at Everleap

Is malicious traffic bypassing CloudFlare on your IIS site? Here’s how to stop it.

Martin OrtegaIn my last blog post, I discussed how you can use CloudFlare to prevent bad bots from getting to your site. But, what happens if the bad traffic still remembers your old IP number for the original web server and the bots still get through.

Recently we had one of our Managed Hosting customers experience this very problem. We helped find a solution to this issue.

Everleap Managed Hosting Customer Story – Chair Care Patio

Takeshi EtoThis is an excerpt, the entire story with Pelle Uvebrant, as well as more customer stories, are available on our site.

Chair Care PatioAll too often, small businesses choose technology without a clear understanding of what is available and what they need. When business consultant and full-stack developer Pelle Uvebrant began working with Chair Care Patio he learned that their small website was hosted with Azure, leading to huge costs and a complicated and cumbersome support experience. Even worse, the website faced several technical issues that the Azure team was slow to address for such a small business.

Pelle Uvebrant Chair Care PatioAs a result, Pelle quickly recommended a new hosting provider that could provide both the technical and support experience that the business needed.

With a quick web search, he discovered Everleap. Everleap offered a fully-managed private cloud solution, excellent customer support, and affordable pricing, which solved the client’s problems.

Here is the story of Chair Care Patio told from Pelle Uvebrant’s point of view.

Learn more about Managed Hosting at Everleap

SQL 2022 Hosting is available now

Takeshi EtoSQL 2022 is available as a new option for your Shared SQL database in our Shared Cloud Hosting Plans or for Private SQL database servers. You can create shared SQL 2022 databases or order Private SQL servers in your Everleap Control Panel.

Using Cloudflare to Thwart Bots

Martin OrtegaI posted previously about recently discovering that some of our Managed Hosting customers running nopCommerce sites were experiencing high traffic with no increase in sales activity. It seemed suspicious, and for those customers using our Advanced Monitoring service, we detected an increase in CPU resource usage and a noticeable slowing down of their sites. As it turns out, the traffic was from bad bots. We contacted our customers, let them know what we saw, and helped them fix the issue.

There are many options to prevent bad bots from affecting your site, but the best and ultimate option to strive for is to prevent the bot from hitting your site in the first place. Here I discuss my preferred method.

Bad Bots Hitting your Site? What would Azure do?

Martin OrtegaWe recently discovered that a few of our customers running nopCommerce e-commerce sites were experiencing high traffic. You usually would automatically think it’s a great thing, however, the customers were not seeing any increase in sales activity. So something was wrong. Long story short, after investigating, the high traffic was from bad bots.

We discovered this issue when the Advanced Monitoring tool attached to one of our Managed Hosting customer’s site alerted us about an increase in CPU resource usage. On our Managed Hosting system, we don’t generally meter our customer’s bandwidth usage, but we will notice an increase in server resource usage. These bots were so pervasive that it caused the customer’s CPU usage to increase dramatically, causing a noticeable slowdown of their site.

There are many options to prevent bad bots from affecting your site performance and I’ll cover my preferred solution in a future post.

Our customers were thankful when we notified them as to what was happening with the high bot traffic activity. We provided assistance to help our customers deal with the issue.

That got me thinking about what would have happened if the customer was on a giant public cloud, like Azure or Amazon. On those public cloud platforms, you would be paying for all the in/out traffic you use. So, if you got hit with some nasty bots, you’d be on the hook for paying for the bandwidth. Since customers are paying for bandwidth usage, is there incentive for the giant clouds to help identify issues like bots? If you’ve ever dealt with this issue on Azure or Amazon, I’d be curious to hear about your experience.

For Everleap, since we include bandwidth as part of our flat monthly hosting fees, we do what we can to monitor our bandwidth usage as a whole and we try to actively look for these types of suspicious activities. We pride ourselves in being proactive to help our customers and that is the kind of service that our customers should expect from us.

Learn more about Everleap Managed Hosting services.

Is it Time to Upgrade Your nopCommerce Hosting Service? Key Signs to Look For.

Martin OrtegaIf you are a nopCommerce user, you may be wondering when you may need to upgrade your nopCommerce hosting services. There are a few key factors to consider when deciding whether to upgrade your hosting service. For our nopCommerce customers who outgrow our Shared Cloud Hosting solution, we do have an upgrade path to a Fully Managed Private Cloud Hosting environment.

In this post, we’ll explore some of the indicators that should motivate you to look into upgrading your nopCommerce hosting service.

.NET 7 Hosting Available

Takeshi EtoMicrosoft released .NET 7 in the last quarter of 2022. While it was always possible to deploy .NET 7 applications to our cloud hosting environment using Self-Contained Deployment (SCD), we now have .NET 7 (ASP.NET Core 7) installed on our cloud hosting servers. Therefore, customers can use Framework-Dependent Deployment (FDD) and Visual Studio 2022 to deploy their .NET 7 (ASP.NET Core 7) applications. hosting

Visit Everleap to learn more about our .NET Core cloud hosting solutions.

5 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade to a Managed Hosting Service

Martin OrtegaChoosing the right hosting solution is essential when running a website or web application. Traditional shared hosting can work well for small sites with low traffic, but as your site grows and as you add more functionality to your site, you may need to consider upgrading your hosting service.

Everleap’s Fully-Managed Hosting is a great option that offers improved performance, better security, and expert support, making it an ideal solution for mission-critical sites.

So, when is it time to make the switch to a Managed Hosting service? Here are five signs that it may be time to consider an upgrade:

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