Archive for the ‘Technical’ category

Backing up a MySQL database using MySQL Workbench

Michael PhillipsBacking up a MySQL database is usually a pretty straightforward and simple task. You can back up a MySQL database using an uploaded application like phpMyAdmin, but for the purposes of this tutorial we’re going to use the MySQL Workbench desktop program. You’ll have to open an Oracle account to download MySQL Workbench, but opening an account is free and only mildly painful.

This article was written using MySQL Workbench 6.1 CE. You may be able to achieve similar results with previous versions, but we have not tested any earlier versions, so your results may vary.

Running your site on multiple load balanced servers

Frank CheungEvery site hosted here at Everleap can run on (at least) two servers simultaneously, and traffic to those servers is automatically load balanced for maximum performance.

A multiple server environment like ours is the best way to handle to handle a heavy load on your site, but there are a couple of important things to keep in mind when you gear up to use more than one worker.

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